
Por Jess Márquez Gaspar
For the right one for me who came at the wrong time

Loving you is unexpected
When I made a list of things I wanted in a partner
I didn't see you in my mind
But then I met you
You became that friend you have to tell everything
And I started needing the sound of your laugh in the voice messages
And I discover the lies you tell when you feel hurt
And I memorized the histories about your life before I was a part of it
So I could puzzle together the image of who you have been 
And where you come from
Piece by piece
And the more we talked
The more I learned

I find out you are a fan of peanut butter
That you have an impulse need for buying beautiful items
And delicious food
That you don't waste time thinking about the future
And the present is full of unanswered questions you never ask

I realized you learned to be tough
To hide how soft you really are
A cat that at first won't let people get near their body
But one night goes crawling to sleep by their love one side
And never leaves

I found out that your eyes could be lakes of sorrow
That you use sunglasses even indoors so they can't be read
Because in them is the history you hide
While you tell the world another one that you created
And your mouth hide laugh and tears
But can't pretend you don't desire
And you bite your lip and smile under it

I learned the tones of your voice 
Like I learned to read music
Hearing the details nobody else is paying attention
And there was the high Do of your pain
And the lower one of your seduction
And the Mi was unshown but there excitement
And there it was the Re of your content anger

I became fluent in your language
Your silents have multiple meanings:
Sometimes is the fear you have to be honest
Others are the casquet of the feelings you want to bury in denial
But other times, when you are happy
Are all the "I love yous" you hide away from me for a long time
And the ones you just left hanging in the room
Letting your eyes tell me

That's why that day you broke it
You risked everything 
And over the bottle of rum, you told me
"I think I'm in love with you"
I understood all the multiple meanings in the glass
You shared at that moment

I realize your age is a game
Because you say all the time you are too old
And I'm 15 years too young

But the truth is you are just a little kid
Your whole face showing the next mischief you are going to do,
Your body tells the story of your naked innocence
When you surrender yourself to loving me and to me loving you

You blush like a teenager
I can almost hear your heart pounding over your intent of self-control
Your happiness is so genuine 
A baby laughing

There is this idea you can't let go 
That everything has to be exactly how you decided it
And planed it
And when it doesn't happen
When the people around you color outside of your lines
You get mad
Because the movie should have ended differently
And the characters of your live throw the script away
You look at them
At me
As I have ended a beautiful game

But then I saw the scars 
The one you hide away under the gorgeous pictures in your Instagram
Their colors and lights trying to overshadow the ugly
The people who hurt you
The one that didn't accept you
The others that left when you need them the most
The decisions you took out of an impulse and you now regret
The experiences that are the book of tales you take around but only read to a few 

For me, you became clear
And I felt maybe
I became clear to you too
In a way, I don't want to recognize

But loving you is unexpected
And I don't know when it started
I can't pinpoint it by looking at my planner
I can't tell if it was a Wednesday or I went to the bank after
I can't say it was like in the chick flicks you watch over and over
There was no big realization
There was a March 15
There was one night I started talking to you on the phone
And suddenly we went on a trip and came back two hours later

Loving you was unexpected
Happened little be little
It was these tiny moments
Scratches and images
That became a collage
And one day I let myself see it
See you completely
All the pieces put together
And realize there you were
All I ever wanted in a partner
In the wrong time
In the wrong moment of our lives
And then, when I least expected
I realized I have always loved you
And then
That I had to let you go...

Crédito de la imagen: wipune. 


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